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Early Childhood

Learning a biblical world-view by highly qualified and caring staff

students laughing in music class

Through purposeful play, students grow in language ability and foundational skills

Our Early Childhood students (2 and 3 year olds) spend their days exploring, sharing and learning in a warm and nurturing environment. Our team creates a nurturing atmosphere where students learn to cooperate with others and grow in love and compassion for their new friends. Development of creative thinking and fine and gross motor skills is encouraged using carefully designed activities involving music, movement, art, stories and games. Students are introduced to pre-reading skills, pre-writing skills, and early math skills as they discover the world God created. Our preschool program is certified by the Florida League of Christian Schools.

We’re creating a meaningful first time experience

The K2, K3, K4, and K5 programs provide a great deal of flexibility as parents may choose to send children full or part-time three, four or five days per week. In addition to academics, our children learn foundational truths from Bible stories and gain enrichment through weekly music instruction.

Faculty and Staff

Hannah Reece K2 Assistant
Jordin Hicks K3 Assistant
Sydney Pollock VPK Teacher
Katherine Rinaldi VPK Teacher
LuAnn Ramer VPK Assistant
Ashley Brodley Early Childhood Assistant
Brooklyn Carraway Kindergarten Teacher
Megan Hardy Kindergarten Teacher
Kristina Braddock Kindergarten Assistant
Angely Murray Kindergarten Assistant



Explore, learn, and grow through hands-on schooling that makes learning enjoyable for all students

Bible stories are introduced by teaching God as Creator and Jesus as a baby, Shepherd, and Savior. They learn how to pray, worship, and love others. Students will learn memory verses, songs, and finger plays to support the Bible stories.

Language & Literacy
At this age, language and literacy can be developed through dramatic play, singing, finger play, and movement to teach children rhyme. We work to expose children to literature to foster a love of reading, build vocabulary, and learn how books work.

Reading & Writing Readiness
In preschool, we use music, movement, and multi-sensory manipulatives to teach readiness skills. We imitate the act of writing by creating drawings and symbolic markings by using crayons, paint, water, etc. that represent their thoughts and ideas.

Math Readiness
We use manipulatives, music, and rhymes to teach counting, colors, shapes, patterning, matching, sorting, and problem solving. Using hands on material makes math concepts real and meaningful to the children.

Motor Skills
In preschool, we work on developing both fine and gross-motor skills. Working on gross motor skills involves developing the muscles that help us jump, hop, run, catch, and balance. Working on fine motor skills means we are practicing motions like pinching, zipping, stringing, cutting, rolling, and more to get our hands ready for writing as we get bigger.

Social & Emotional Development
During the preschool years, students have ample opportunity to grow in social and emotional development. Children learn to play together, obey simple rules, develop conversation skills, participate in group activities, and take pride in themselves and others.

Independence Skills
Learning to do things by themselves is hard and rewarding as a preschooler. We help them to have pride in their accomplishments as we work with them on things like making choices, potty training, independence in the restroom, and much more.


Develop creative thinking and fine motor skills through fun and engaging activities

Students begin to develop an understanding of the overall narrative of the Bible by reading through the Bible cover to cover, in stories.

Language & Literacy
At this age, language and literacy can be developed through dramatic play, singing, finger plays, and movement to teach children rhyme and to clap syllables. Exposing children to literature to foster a love of reading, build vocabulary, and learn how books work.

Reading & Writing Readiness
In preschool, we use music, movement, and multi-sensory manipulatives to teach all the core readiness skills including crayon grip, letter and number recognition, number and capital letter formation, and body awareness.

Math Readiness
We use manipulatives, music, and rhymes to teach counting, colors, shapes, patterning, matching, sorting, and problem solving. Using hands on material makes math concepts real and meaningful to the children.

Motor Skills
In preschool, we work on developing both fine and gross-motor skills. Working on gross motor skills involves developing the muscles that help us jump, hop, run, catch, and balance. Working on fine motor skills means we are practicing motions like pinching, zipping, stringing, cutting, rolling, and more to get our hands ready for writing as we get bigger.

Social & Emotional Development
During the preschool years, students have ample opportunity to grow in social and emotional development. Children learn to play together, obey simple rules, develop conversation skills, participate in group activities, and take pride in themselves, in others, and in the classroom.

Independence Skills
Learning to do things by themselves is hard and rewarding as a preschooler. We help them to have pride in their accomplishments as we work with them on things like making choices, independence in the restroom and much more.


Enhance school readiness for Kindergarten in all five developmental domains

Bible & Memory Verses
VPK begins the year with creation, a few Old Testament stories, and then moves onto the New Testament for the remainder of the year. We also memorize numerous Bible verses over the course of the year. The goal is to hide His word in our hearts to recall when needed.

Students learn to read by using phonics. The students begin by mastering vowels and consonants and their sound through enjoyable and fun teaching methods. Forming blends and reading simple words comes naturally after that.

Counting, number recognition, shapes, position and patterns are the featured topics in VPK. The organization, cognitive guided instruction, peace and differentiated learning prepares the students for Kindergarten.

Social Studies
VPK students learn about our community and all the people who help our community work together.

Our material and teaching strategies make learning a positive, successful experience for children in just 15 minutes a day. We will help your student build strong fine motor and printing skills for writing letters, words, and sentences.

Students learn science through active involvement in the learning process; that is, through hands on experiences. Science provides the answers to many of the questions that young children ask, such as “Why is the sky blue?” and “What makes the colors in a rainbow?” As young children discover the world around them, the more they will learn about and develop a thirst for science. It perfectly complements a child’s natural curiosity.


Grow academically, socially and spiritually in a grace-filled and fun environment

Bible and Character
The students are taught beginning Old Testament stories and truths, as well as important character traits such as honesty, love, and thankfulness.

Using Abeka Phonics program, students grow from simply identifying letters and sounds to reading short and long vowel words and sentences with fluency and expression.

Kindergarten students learn foundational concepts of counting, number sense to 100, shapes, ideas of greater/less, and simple adding and subtraction.

Science and Social Studies
Unit studies are used as the basis of our science and social studies learning. In the fall, we learn about senses, nocturnal animals, the first Thanksgiving, and Christmas in other countries. We visit the Tallahassee Museum to give up close experience with the animals we’ve studied. In the spring, we cover basic health, safety, and manners. We finish the year with a unit about ocean animals and bees, including trips to the Gulf Specimen Marine Lab and a local beehive.

Students will master letter formation and emergent writing skills.

Ready to get started?

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