Mission and Values
Our vision is to develop the next generation of godly leaders

We focus on four pillars: Moral excellence, academic excellence, community, and leadership development
This is accomplished through knowledge and understanding of the Word of God as we partner with parents to train, teach, and grow families through a spirit of excellence and Godliness.
Our educational philosophy is founded on the strength of the primary assumptions:
There is ultimately no knowledge that is incompatible with the Christian faith, and a sound education is based on the principles of truth given in the Bible.
Family engagement in the educational process makes a critical difference in the efficacy of a student’s education. Students learn best when there is a partnership between teachers and parents.
Ethics and leadership training, in the context of a reciprocal partnership between teachers and parents, provides the moral foundation necessary for superior scholarship.
The best learning environment is inquiry-based, promotes critical thinking, fosters a respect for diverse points of view, and is committed to pursuit of truth.
For Christians, the goal of education is to train students for ministry, regardless of the vocation they choose.
Students learn best when they love to learn, and excitement and joy in learning should be nurtured by parents and teachers.
Hands-on projects and teaching to every learning style is important for maximizing learning and understanding.
Students learn best when there are high standards and the belief that every child is able to succeed. Learning should be differentiated as necessary to challenge each student appropriately.
Statement of Faith
God has given to parents the mandate of His Divine Word to teach, instruct, and train their children in the way they should go; and it is upon this foundation that we base our organization.
God exists eternally in three Persons as Father, Son and Holy Spirit; and these three are one God, and there is no other true God.
God is the absolute and sole Creator of the universe, and creation was by divine act, not through the evolutionary process.
Jesus Christ is God the Son, and is both God and Man. He was born of a virgin, lived a perfect, sinless life, was crucified and died as penalty for our sins, raised bodily from the dead on the third day, appeared to His disciples and as many as 500 at one time, ascended to the Father’s right hand, and is personally, bodily, visibly coming again to earth.
The Holy Spirit is a person, is God and possesses all the divine attributes. Man is a sinner and totally depraved, void of any righteousness, without God; and the whole human race has fallen into the sin of Adam, bringing personally upon each one physical, spiritual and eternal death, unless one is saved.
Jesus Christ provides the only way to salvation through His substitute death, and the shed blood on the cross, and salvation is entirely apart from good works, baptism, church membership, or any of man’s efforts, and is of pure grace.