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Learning a biblical world-view by highly qualified and caring staff

student laughing in chair

We provide a rich environment where students are encouraged to explore and challenged to learn

Our 4-Year-Old/VPK Preschool will allow students to make new friends and grow in self-confidence as they develop reading and writing skills and are introduced to important literary concepts, math skills and social skills. Within our warm and nurturing environment, children are taught from a biblical world-view by highly qualified and caring staff. Physical development and imagination are enhanced through many opportunities for creative play, hands-on learning, and social development. Our preschool program is certified by the Florida League of Christian Schools.

Enjoy all the benefits of a private Christian school

VPK students enjoy the advanced academic curriculum, the structure of the classroom environment, the socialization of their peers, and a staff that goes the extra mile to be sure every student grasps the moral, academic, and practical education.

They have Art, Music, Physical Education/Health and occasionally participate in a larger group production or event.

They also benefit from another whole aspect of school: their parents. It’s true that parents can be involved in their children’s educational experience in any school they choose, but at CLA the parents are not only accountable to be involved, they are part of the curriculum.

Student Experience

Students in our free VPK program are required to attend Monday – Wednesday from 8:30 a.m.-1:45 p.m. We offer a Extended Day Program from 1:45 p.m.-3:15 p.m. for a fee.

Our 4-year-old students that do not have a VPK voucher are required to attend Monday-Wednesday 8:30 a.m.-3:15 p.m.

On Thursday and Friday of each week, students in our 3-Day (M-W) Program are taught by their parents from a lesson plan prepared by the student’s teacher at CLA. This way, the academy and the parents are always cooperating and understand exactly where the student is in their instruction. Students will show a greater interest and enthusiasm in their schooling and have a better attitude toward adults.

We believe this is possible, because their education is not just a “compartment” of their life confined to a building, but a very real experience that is reinforced by many adults who care for them.

If you are interested in attending school on Thursday and/or Friday, please see our Full Week Program page for more information. Please see the Tuition and Fee Schedule for pricing.

Parent Experience

Parents are responsible for their children’s education in a very real way. If their children are not enrolled in the Full Week Program, they teach their children on Thursday and Friday from a prepared lesson plan and are responsible for making sure all school assignments and activities are turned in on time.

The experience for parents is a spiritual and emotional journey. It is part of our right and our responsibility to be able to play a greater part in our children’s spiritual and academic education, and a blessing to be able to have such great support in the moral training of our children.

The parent experience is a blessed one.

Faculty and Staff

Sydney Pollock VPK Teacher
Becky McCrea Early Education Assistant
Becky McCrea profile
Caroline Malonzo Early Education Assistant
CLA lion badge
Ashley Brodley VPK Assistant



Enhance school readiness for Kindergarten in all five developmental domains

Bible & Memory Verses
VPK begins the year with creation, a few Old Testament stories, and then moves onto the New Testament for the remainder of the year. We also memorize numerous Bible verses over the course of the year. The goal is to hide His word in our hearts to recall when needed.

Students learn to read by using phonics. The students begin by mastering the vowels and consonants and their sound through enjoyable and fun teaching methods. Forming blends and reading simple words comes naturally after that.

Counting, number recognition, shapes, position and patterns are the featured topics in VPK. The organization, cognitive guided instruction, peace and differentiated learning prepares the students for Kindergarten.

Social Studies
VPK students learn about our community and all the people who help our community work together.

Our material and teaching strategies make learning a positive, successful experience for children in just 15 minutes a day. We will help your student build strong fi ne motor and printing skills for writing letters, words, and sentences.

Students learn science through active involvement in the learning process; that is, through hands on experiences. Science provides the answers to many of the questions that young children ask, such as “Why is the sky blue?” and “What makes the colors in a rainbow?” As young children discover the world around them, the more they will learn about and develop a thirst for science. It perfectly complements a child’s natural curiosity.

Ready to get started?

We’re excited to meet your family